Let Your Heart Lead

Let Your Heart Lead

This week, I've been reflecting a lot on where I'm at with my business, and where I want to be heading. One of the biggest aha's that's emerged is the realization that I've been spending a bit...

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It Can’t ALL Feel Good

It Can’t ALL Feel Good

It can't ALL feel good.There's a common misconception that following your calling is supposed to be easy, fun, and feel good ALL THE TIME.It's not helped by the fact that much of the self-help...

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When Your Soul Is Weary

When Your Soul Is Weary

I want to talk to you today about soul weariness. The weariness I'm referring about here isn't your garden-variety tiredness.Unlike physical or mental tiredness, with soul-weariness, it feels like...

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The Productive Power of Delight

The Productive Power of Delight

I woke up this morning with my mind on my to-do list. There’s a big project that I’m wanting to wrap up, new website copy to write, social media posts that need scheduling, emails to be sent,...

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Self-Care is NOT Optional

Self-Care is NOT Optional

My, it has been a WEEK! Between coming home from a road trip, wrapping up one big project and kicking off another one, winding down our homeschooling year, client work, and of course normal life,...

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The World Is Not Served By Our Wilting

The World Is Not Served By Our Wilting

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed one of my houseplants had started to wilt. Despite receiving what seemed to be the "right" amounts of water, sunlight, and nutrients, this plant just was not happy....

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The Discomfort of Not Knowing

The Discomfort of Not Knowing

There's a parable you may be familiar with, one involving a group of blind men and an elephant. In the parable, the men have never encountered an elephant before. Each one comes in contact with a...

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On Resistance

On Resistance

I’m being called to do something that feels pretty big, and also pretty scary. I’ve been sidestepping this for awhile, feeling the call and then responding with resistance. I keep telling myself...

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Know Your Values

Know Your Values

What are your core values?Whether it's business or personal, being clear on your values is integral to the work you bring into the world.When you're not clear on your values, you can easily wind up...

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You Can’t Think Your Way There

You Can’t Think Your Way There

I spend a lot of time thinking about things. Seriously, A LOT of time. As a coach and an introvert, part of this comes with the territory. (And part of it comes from my need to manage risks, which...

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Nicole’s magic is clarity and momentum. If you are feeling unclear, overwhelmed, or like the way ahead doesn’t feel like a full-body yes, go see Nicole. She’ll help shine a floodlight on the landscape, support you in understanding where the energy is, and help you cultivate better options. It’s what she does.

Steph Lagana, Mythical Enterprises

I was feeling stuck in my business- I knew all the things I “should” be doing and yet, I couldn’t seem to move forward. Within our first session, Nicole helped me see myself more clearly…like shining a spotlight on my strengths and being given a roadmap to how to use those strengths with ease. At the end, I felt lit up and ready to take off in my business – her sessions are priceless!

Rebecca Shisler Marshall, PhD, Centered Living

Working with Nicole allowed me to FINALLY see the common thread that weaves through my multi-passionate, multi-disciplinary business. Where others have told me to choose, or focus, she helped me fully integrate and see the clarity around the commonality of my offerings that I always sensed was there.  I now have clear ideas for language, clients, and marketing. A truly invaluable experience!

Angela Winter, Awakened Creator

Nicole helped me think through my big picture and recognize needed access points for people I serve. Thanks to her questions and insights, I have a much clearer understanding of how the project will flow and where it fits in my business.

Amy Hallberg, Courageous Wordsmith

Nicole helped me make sense of – and connect the dots between – what I thought were completely disparate interests. I left the session with a big-picture perspective, a clear understanding of the golden thread that connects my focus areas, as well as detailed next steps that will start moving me in the direction I want to go.

Nav Purewall

Nicole is a smart, effective, and straightforward coach.  She’s focused and gets right to the heart of the matter…uncovering the painful thoughts that are holding me back.  And she does so with empathy and compassion, tapping into her own life experience as a businesswoman, wife, and mother.

Suzanne Trainor, SuzanneTrainor.com

I would recommend working with Nicole to anyone who wants greater clarity on where they are heading.

Caroline Leon, CarolineLeon.com

Working with Nicole is like being wrapped in a warm cocoon of love and safety. Her gentle kindness and her ability to tease out the nuances of the energy surrounding an issue are a superb combination. Over the time we worked together, she helped me not only to define more clearly my purpose as a coach, but she also helped me find my direction as well. You cannot go wrong working with Nicole.

Lisa Lindberg, Om Cookie Coaching

Nicole has a unique gift for helping people dig deep within.  She has enabled me to open my world to new ways of thinking and believing in myself.  She has given me lifelong tools that I can apply to every aspect of my life that will allow me to live with ease, happiness, joy, and LOVE.  I will be forever grateful for having the privilege to be coached by Nicole and I know my family is thankful for that as well!

M. Young, Hospice Nurse

It was a great day! [Nicole] did a wonderful job of leading us through the experience. My friends all felt so safe and grateful for a place to open up and get centered on what we would want to see a shift in our lives. I would absolutely recommend this workshop. It exceeded my expectations and I love the art I was able to create.

Jenny Jaffe, Vision Board Magic Participant