Let Your Heart Lead
This week, I've been reflecting a lot on where I'm at with my business, and where I want to be heading. One of the biggest aha's that's emerged is the realization that I've been spending a bit...
It Can’t ALL Feel Good
It can't ALL feel good.There's a common misconception that following your calling is supposed to be easy, fun, and feel good ALL THE TIME.It's not helped by the fact that much of the self-help...
When Your Soul Is Weary
I want to talk to you today about soul weariness. The weariness I'm referring about here isn't your garden-variety tiredness.Unlike physical or mental tiredness, with soul-weariness, it feels like...
The Productive Power of Delight
I woke up this morning with my mind on my to-do list. There’s a big project that I’m wanting to wrap up, new website copy to write, social media posts that need scheduling, emails to be sent,...
Self-Care is NOT Optional
My, it has been a WEEK! Between coming home from a road trip, wrapping up one big project and kicking off another one, winding down our homeschooling year, client work, and of course normal life,...
The World Is Not Served By Our Wilting
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed one of my houseplants had started to wilt. Despite receiving what seemed to be the "right" amounts of water, sunlight, and nutrients, this plant just was not happy....
The Discomfort of Not Knowing
There's a parable you may be familiar with, one involving a group of blind men and an elephant. In the parable, the men have never encountered an elephant before. Each one comes in contact with a...
On Resistance
I’m being called to do something that feels pretty big, and also pretty scary. I’ve been sidestepping this for awhile, feeling the call and then responding with resistance. I keep telling myself...
Know Your Values
What are your core values?Whether it's business or personal, being clear on your values is integral to the work you bring into the world.When you're not clear on your values, you can easily wind up...
You Can’t Think Your Way There
I spend a lot of time thinking about things. Seriously, A LOT of time. As a coach and an introvert, part of this comes with the territory. (And part of it comes from my need to manage risks, which...