You Can’t Think Your Way There
I spend a lot of time thinking about things. Seriously, A LOT of time. As a coach and an introvert, part of this comes with the territory. (And part of it comes from my need to manage risks, which...
Big Things Require Big Courage
In order to bring any big idea into the world, a certain degree of courage is required, and the amount of courage needed seems to be directly proportionate to the bigness of the idea. Courage is not...
Tend To Your Wildness
You can do big things in the world AND take good care of yourself.These things are not mutually exclusive - in fact, taking good care of yourself enables you to do big things.Rest when you need...
The 90–10 Principle
This morning I was reflecting on a memory from my Equus coach training. One of the things that I learned how to do is to walk into a pasture full of horses, pick one out, and halter it. On the...
“I have SO much to DO!”
In this post, I'm sharing an issue that's come up for me in the past week, and how I coached myself through it. I've posted before about how this time of year often brings a spike in...
Commit To Yourself
I recently made a commitment to myself. The deal was, I would show up on my Facebook business page twice per week (Tuesdays and Fridays) with an original, heart-felt post.And then this week...
Release. Receive. Return.
A few years ago, I was introduced to labyrinths. If you're not familiar, a labyrinth is a walking path that forms a series of circuits. Unlike a maze, with a labyrinth you cannot get lost - there is...
Callings Come With Fear
The biggest barrier to finding your calling and doing big things in the world is roughly the size of a small almond. I'm referring, of course, to your amygdala - the tiny, prehistoric part of your...
How To Set An Intention
One of my favorite tools in my personal self-coaching toolbox is the practice of setting intentions.Setting an intention is a simple, yet transformative practice. By pausing to get clear on what you...
Focus On What You Want
One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned is the importance of focusing on what I want, not on what I don’t want. Human beings seem to be hard-wired to focus on negative experiences, a...