If You’re Feeling Stretched Thin
I had an interesting conversation with my husband the other night. I was going over some plans I have for my business, and shared with him that I'd been struggling with feelings of self-doubt....
Just Do It
If there’s something that’s been calling you that feels big and wild and thrilling, but you’re looking for one more piece of data... one more article, or podcast, or webinar, or sign... If you feel...
You Are An Artist
Recently a woman shared with me an experience she’d had in an art class she’d taken decades earlier.The class had been practicing graded watercolor washes (a technique in which you apply diluted...
We Don’t Need A New You
This time of year can make me a bit nutty, what with all the talk about resolutions, creating the “best year ever”, “new year, new you” etc. It’s enough to make me want to crawl back in bed with a...
When The Well Runs Dry
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling depleted. It may seem obvious, but I want to avoid any confusion by stating that depletion is completely different from garden-variety tiredness....
The Gift of Vulnerability
I recently returned from a retreat in Tennessee. Over the past year, I’ve been participating in a small group led by two Master Coaches. Our year together culminated in a weekend in Knoxville, where...
3 Steps To Release Fear
I have a confession to make. I am super afraid of rattlesnakes. Living in Southern California, it makes sense. They’re everywhere around here. But I’m also afraid of scary looking spiders, fire, the...
The Other Side of Fear
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” - Jack CanfieldThe first time I ran across this quote, I'll admit I felt a twinge of skepticism. However, after a quick mental scan it was...
Why I Don’t Talk About Oxygen Masks
I recently spoke at a local group for moms of children on the autism spectrum. The talk was on the topic of stress management, and how important self care is for everyone, even more so for...
World Building and People Pleasing
This morning my oldest son was playing Minecraft. Now, if you’re not familiar with Minecraft, it’s basically a game where you build your own world out of these little blocks. I liken it to digital...